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Influencer Program

Calling All Influencers!

Do you love Fit + Fresh and FREE products? Read on to find out if you are a good fit and to apply for this exciting partnership!

Become a Fit + Fresh Influencer! You will get products for FREE in exchange for your help spreading brand awareness! Influencers will receive products in exchange for photographing those resources in action and sharing the photos with Fit + Fresh.

To apply, you must:

Pack a meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) to go regularly
Be excited about our products
Have a great eye for photography and trends

A Fit + Fresh Influencer:

Participates in new product testing
Takes photos or videos of products in action
Shares products on social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok)


To apply click here. Selected applicants will be contacted via email. We can't wait to connect with you! 


If you are a content creator or brand interested in partnering please email!